the male dancer

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Re: Dancing in a Bar

geschrieben von Dancing Fool  am 05.12. um 05:23:54 - als Antwort auf: Dancing in a Bar von Dancer Guy at
>A boy in my dance school referred me to a bar owner who has offered me work dancing in an all male bar.  I'm trying to maintain a full schedule of ballet classes six days a week, and support myself with a telemarketing job.  This bar job would mean enough money to live on, and give me more time for classes.  Should I do it?  Is this the kind of thing an aspiring classical dancer should do?  Have any of you guys done a dancing job like that?>Dancer Guy

The main problem with this is, it could kill your career before it even starts.  This is the sort of publicity no company wants to be associated with.  Even if you kept it quiet, your picture will end up in a gay paper, which will be passed along to your fellow students, instructor, etc.

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