the male dancer
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Re: Under your tights?

written by Curious George at  on 17.06. at 14:47:00 - as answer to: Re: Under your tights? by Krissi at
>The pink Bodywrappers, which I wear under my black Bal Togs short sleeved full bottom thong leotard without a DB, the outfit compliment my pink pointe shoes, and makes me a bit more like a ballerina, As the only male in class, the girls teased me alot but they got used to it, and treat me as part of the team, and our ballet mistress actually started to address everybody as girls, my face was a bit red at first but I love every minute of class now and don't want to change back to street clothes after class.  

You have it so nice!! I wish that I could be treated like one of the women in my ballet class and get to wear those great pink tights. Sometimes the teacher does get a bit carried away and will address all of us as "Ladies" which doesn't bother me at all. In fact I consider it a compliment and being accepted.

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